[INFO]: [0] iSolve X, Version 6.2.1 (4972), 64Bit Windows [INFO]: [1] iSolve X, Version 6.2.1 (4972), 64Bit Windows [INFO]: [2] iSolve X, Version 6.2.1 (4972), 64Bit Windows [INFO]: [3] iSolve X, Version 6.2.1 (4972), 64Bit Windows [INFO]: [4] iSolve X, Version 6.2.1 (4972), 64Bit Windows [INFO]: [5] iSolve X, Version 6.2.1 (4972), 64Bit Windows [INFO]: [6] iSolve X, Version 6.2.1 (4972), 64Bit Windows [INFO]: [7] iSolve X, Version 6.2.1 (4972), 64Bit Windows [INFO]: [INFO]: [INFO]: [0] Running MPI version 2.0 on 8 processes. [INFO]: [1] Running MPI version 2.0 on 8 processes. [INFO]: [2] Running MPI version 2.0 on 8 processes. [INFO]: [3] Running MPI version 2.0 on 8 processes. [INFO]: [4] Running MPI version 2.0 on 8 processes. [INFO]: [5] Running MPI version 2.0 on 8 processes. [INFO]: [6] Running MPI version 2.0 on 8 processes. [INFO]: [7] Running MPI version 2.0 on 8 processes. [INFO]: Loading all solver modules: [INFO]: Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Sim4Life_6.2.1.4972\Solvers\EmFdtdSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Sim4Life_6.2.1.4972\Solvers\EmLfComplexValuedSolvers.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Sim4Life_6.2.1.4972\Solvers\EmLfRealValuedSolvers.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Sim4Life_6.2.1.4972\Solvers\EmLfUnstructuredSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Sim4Life_6.2.1.4972\Solvers\EmModeMatchingSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Sim4Life_6.2.1.4972\Solvers\FluidSolverSchur.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Sim4Life_6.2.1.4972\Solvers\FluidSolverSimple.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Sim4Life_6.2.1.4972\Solvers\GradientCoilSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Sim4Life_6.2.1.4972\Solvers\NeuronSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Sim4Life_6.2.1.4972\Solvers\ScalarSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Sim4Life_6.2.1.4972\Solvers\SonicSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Sim4Life_6.2.1.4972\Solvers\ThermalSolverDouble.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Sim4Life_6.2.1.4972\Solvers\ThermalSolverSingle.x.dll' [INFO]: Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Sim4Life_6.2.1.4972\Solvers\ThermalUnstructuredSolver.x.dll' [INFO]: [INFO]: [INFO]: Simulation 'Fats Unipolar WRIST @ 5.0 kHz' started on 2022-Mar-15 13:13:24 [INFO]: [INFO]: Solver type: EmLf, ElectroQuasiStatic [INFO]: Input file name: D:\Sim4Life Projects\B_Secur Watch/ellaM watch Unipolar WRIST.smash_Results/608230dd-6785-4f5c-969e-73c4fc184b3e_Input.h5 [INFO]: Input file generated by: Sim4Life, Version [INFO]: Output file name: D:\Sim4Life Projects\B_Secur Watch/ellaM watch Unipolar WRIST.smash_Results/608230dd-6785-4f5c-969e-73c4fc184b3e_Output.h5 [INFO]: [INFO]: Using commercial license features. [INFO]: [0] [2022-Mar-15 13:13:24] Checking out license feature 'QS_SOLVER', expiring the 1-sep-2022, version 6.2, (1). [INFO]: [1] [2022-Mar-15 13:13:24] Checking out license feature 'QS_MPI', expiring the 1-sep-2022, version 6.2, (1). [INFO]: [2] [2022-Mar-15 13:13:24] Checking out license feature 'QS_MPI', expiring the 1-sep-2022, version 6.2, (1). [INFO]: [3] [2022-Mar-15 13:13:24] Checking out license feature 'QS_MPI', expiring the 1-sep-2022, version 6.2, (1). [INFO]: [4] [2022-Mar-15 13:13:24] Checking out license feature 'QS_MPI', expiring the 1-sep-2022, version 6.2, (1). [INFO]: [5] [2022-Mar-15 13:13:24] Checking out license feature 'QS_MPI', expiring the 1-sep-2022, version 6.2, (1). [INFO]: [6] [2022-Mar-15 13:13:24] Checking out license feature 'QS_MPI', expiring the 1-sep-2022, version 6.2, (1). [INFO]: [7] [2022-Mar-15 13:13:24] Checking out license feature 'QS_MPI', expiring the 1-sep-2022, version 6.2, (1). [INFO]: No additional options set to solver step [INFO]: Grid size is 242x301x661 [INFO]: [INFO]: Solid settings: frequency = 5000 Hz, characteristic length (worst case domain diagonal) 1.87087 [INFO]: Epsilon Mu SigmaE QS Approx. Quality Static Magn. Field SigmaE/w*Epsilon Solid name [INFO]: 1 1 0 3.8437e-08 0 0 'Background' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_T4 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_os_sacrum_coccyx (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_IV_cortical_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_IV_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_T3 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.25e+03 1 0.00247 4.8007e-05 0.00034154 7.1144 'Fibula_yellow_marrow_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_I_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_II_cortical_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.54e+03 1 0.368 5.9299e-05 0.050792 856.55 'Dura_mater (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 1.52e+04 1 0.164 0.0005831 0.022598 38.754 'Esophagus_wall (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_L4 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Humerus_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 5.25e+03 1 0.66 0.00020194 0.091179 451.51 'Vein (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 1.6e+04 1 0.368 0.00061625 0.050792 82.421 'Tendon_ligament (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_III_cortical_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_IV_cancellous_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_III_cancellous_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Metacarpus_I_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Tooth (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_T10 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Hyoid_cancellous (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.09e+04 1 0.265 0.0008046 0.036629 45.524 'Cerebrum_white_matter (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_I_cortical_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_T7 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Metatarsus_I_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Metatarsus_V_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_V_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_II_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 6.06e+03 1 1.01 0.00023308 0.13956 598.77 'Larynx (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_distalis_V_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_distalis_I_cancellous_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_III_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_V_cortical_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_II_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_media_IV_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_I_cancellous_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Metatarsus_I_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 5.23e+04 1 0.355 0.0020121 0.049094 24.399 'Muscle (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_II_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.52e+04 1 0.164 0.0005831 0.022598 38.754 'Stomach_wall (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Metatarsus_IV_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Pelvis_cortical (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 5.23e+04 1 0.355 0.0020121 0.049094 24.399 'Stomach_lumen (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_IV_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_T9 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 94.3 1 0.293 3.6255e-06 0.04054 11182 'Lymph_node (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_T11 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.57e+04 1 0.481 0.00060205 0.066479 110.42 'Hypophysis (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_L5 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_T7 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Humerus_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_media_IV_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_distalis_II_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Metacarpus_I_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_III_cortical_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 7.12e+04 1 0.391 0.0027358 0.054007 19.741 'Uterus (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Pelvis_cancellous (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_III_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_T5 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Metatarsus_III_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_III_cancellous_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_III_cortical_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_T6 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_IV_cortical_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_I_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_I_cortical_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_I_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_distalis_III_cancellous_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_II_cancellous_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Radius_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Metatarsus_II_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_media_III_cancellous_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.23e+03 1 0.0222 4.7157e-05 0.0030721 65.146 'Breast (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 1 1 0 3.8437e-08 0 0 'Trachea_lumen (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0823 0.00011488 0.011372 98.993 'Skull_cancellous (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 229 1 0.408 8.7835e-06 0.056441 6425.8 'Gallbladder_wall (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_V_cortical_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 7.49e+04 1 0.164 0.0028804 0.022598 7.8453 'Small_intestine_wall (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_C6 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.57e+04 1 0.481 0.00060205 0.066479 110.42 'Pineal_body (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_C3 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_V_cortical_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Metacarpus_I_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.25e+03 1 0.00247 4.8007e-05 0.00034154 7.1144 'Ulna_yellow_marrow_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 6.06e+03 1 1.01 0.00023308 0.13956 598.77 'Meniscus_left (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_L5 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Tibia_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_II_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_distalis_IV_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_T11 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.09e+04 1 0.265 0.0008046 0.036629 45.524 'Commissura_anterior (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_media_V_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Metatarsus_I_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 60.6 1 1.01 2.3275e-06 0.13956 59962 'Intervertebral_disc (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_distalis_IV_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.25e+03 1 0.00247 4.8007e-05 0.00034154 7.1144 'Radius_yellow_marrow_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_distalis_I_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_IV_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Thorax_cortical (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 5.23e+04 1 0.355 0.0020121 0.049094 24.399 'Uterus_mucosa (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 5.25e+03 1 0.66 0.00020194 0.091179 451.51 'Heart_lumen (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Ulna_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 5.23e+04 1 0.355 0.0020121 0.049094 24.399 'Diaphragm (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_V_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_I_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Humerus_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_distalis_I_cancellous_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 4.26e+04 1 0.66 0.0016379 0.091154 55.654 'Cerebellum (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_I_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.25e+03 1 0.00247 4.8007e-05 0.00034154 7.1144 'Tibia_yellow_marrow_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.13e+03 1 0.17 4.3611e-05 0.023491 538.65 'Ear_skin_right (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 3.35e+04 1 0.105 0.0012888 0.014504 11.254 'Lung (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 1.25e+03 1 0.00247 4.8007e-05 0.00034154 7.1144 'Radius_yellow_marrow_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Hyoid_cortical (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_II_cortical_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1 1 0 3.8437e-08 0 0 'Bronchus_lumen (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 4.27e+04 1 0.221 0.0016402 0.030485 18.586 'Liver (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 1.25e+03 1 0.00247 4.8007e-05 0.00034154 7.1144 'Femur_yellow_marrow_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 5.23e+04 1 0.355 0.0020121 0.049094 24.399 'Mucosa (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Femur_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_T3 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_L2 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_II_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.32 3.228e-05 0.044218 1369.8 'Skull_cortical (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_os_sacrum_coccyx (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 6.95e+04 1 0.446 0.0026707 0.061649 23.084 'Kidney_cortex (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_T6 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Fibula_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_IV_cancellous_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 4.26e+04 1 0.234 0.0016379 0.032335 19.742 'Medulla_oblongata (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_II_cortical_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_V_cancellous_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Fibula_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.25e+03 1 0.00247 4.8007e-05 0.00034154 7.1144 'Fibula_yellow_marrow_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Tibia_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_I_cortical_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_III_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 4.26e+04 1 0.234 0.0016379 0.032335 19.742 'Pons (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_II_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Metatarsus_III_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Patella_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_media_III_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_T2 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_V_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.13e+03 1 0.17 4.3611e-05 0.023491 538.65 'Skin (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_C7 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Metatarsus_IV_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Metatarsus_V_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_IV_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_III_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_media_II_cancellous_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_II_cortical_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_V_cortical_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Metatarsus_I_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_IV_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Ulna_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 5.23e+04 1 0.355 0.0020121 0.049094 24.399 'Oviduct (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Patella_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1 1 0 3.8437e-08 0 0 'Air_internal (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_IV_cortical_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_IV_cortical_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 6.06e+03 1 1.01 0.00023308 0.13956 598.77 'Ear_cartilage_left (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_T8 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Ulna_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Metatarsus_II_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_distalis_II_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_L3 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Patella_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_C5 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 4.23e+04 1 0.239 0.0016265 0.033046 20.317 'Cerebrum_grey_matter (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 4.96e+04 1 0.234 0.0019069 0.032335 16.957 'Spinal_cord (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 1.7e+04 1 0.62 0.00065405 0.085672 130.99 'Eye_sclera (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Ulna_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 5.23e+04 1 0.355 0.0020121 0.049094 24.399 'Large_intestine_lumen (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 4.23e+04 1 0.239 0.0016265 0.033046 20.317 'Thalamus (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_V_cancellous_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_T2 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.38e+03 1 0.0573 9.1463e-05 0.0079235 86.631 'Fat (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 4.26e+04 1 0.234 0.0016379 0.032335 19.742 'Midbrain (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 1 1 0 3.8437e-08 0 0 'Esophagus_lumen (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 1.28e+05 1 0.381 0.0049235 0.052622 10.688 'Heart_muscle (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_C4 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 50 1 2.95 1.9199e-06 0.40746 2.1223e+05 'Urine (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_IV_cortical_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Tibia_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_distalis_III_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Patella_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.09e+04 1 0.265 0.0008046 0.036629 45.524 'Commissura_posterior (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Metatarsus_II_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 6.06e+03 1 1.01 0.00023308 0.13956 598.77 'Cartilage (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_T4 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_I_cortical_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.13e+03 1 0.17 4.3611e-05 0.023491 538.65 'Ear_skin_left (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_III_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 3.2e+04 1 0.164 0.0012289 0.022598 18.388 'Vagina (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_T12 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 74.5 1 0.481 2.8624e-06 0.066479 23225 'Adrenal_gland (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 5.23e+04 1 0.355 0.0020121 0.049094 24.399 'Small_intestine_lumen (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Femur_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_I_cancellous_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Mandible_cancellous (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.71e+04 1 0.366 0.00065685 0.050584 77.009 'Ovary (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_V_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 120 1 1.47 4.6124e-06 0.2029 43989 'Gallbladder_bile (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_C2 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_media_III_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_T5 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Fibula_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_III_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_distalis_V_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 109 1 1.78 4.1896e-06 0.24548 58592 'Cerebrospinal_fluid (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Carpalia_Metacarpalia_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Femur_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_T10 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Mandible_cortical (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_III_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_C1 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 99 1 1.55 3.8036e-06 0.21418 56310 'Eye_vitreous_humor (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_media_V_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 6.06e+03 1 1.01 0.00023308 0.13956 598.77 'Ear_cartilage_right (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_L4 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 4.23e+04 1 0.239 0.0016265 0.033046 20.317 'Hypothalamus (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_C7 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_T1 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.25e+03 1 0.00247 4.8007e-05 0.00034154 7.1144 'Humerus_yellow_marrow_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_II_cancellous_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Foot_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 5.25e+03 1 0.66 0.00020194 0.091179 451.51 'Artery (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 3.54e+04 1 0.342 0.0013602 0.047256 34.742 'Trachea_wall (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Foot_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_T9 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Tibia_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_C4 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Metacarpus_I_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 91.1 1 0.67 3.5025e-06 0.092581 26433 'Salivary_gland (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_C6 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_distalis_III_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 834 1 0.345 3.205e-05 0.047719 1488.9 'Eye_lens (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_C2 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Carpalia_Metacarpalia_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_V_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_II_cortical_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Carpalia_Metacarpalia_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_III_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Radius_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.25e+03 1 0.00247 4.8007e-05 0.00034154 7.1144 'Ulna_yellow_marrow_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_C3 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Foot_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.57e+04 1 0.481 0.00060205 0.066479 110.42 'Thyroid_gland (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_media_II_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Metatarsus_II_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Metatarsus_V_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_T1 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.25e+03 1 0.00247 4.8007e-05 0.00034154 7.1144 'Tibia_yellow_marrow_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.25e+03 1 0.00247 4.8007e-05 0.00034154 7.1144 'Humerus_yellow_marrow_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_V_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_L1 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Carpalia_Metacarpalia_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_V_cortical_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_II_cortical_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.7e+04 1 0.232 0.00065488 0.032054 48.946 'Ureter (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_V_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.72e+04 1 0.355 0.00065943 0.049094 74.449 'Tongue (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 6.06e+03 1 1.01 0.00023308 0.13956 598.77 'Meniscus_right (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_L2 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_T12 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Radius_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_IV_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.34e+04 1 0.408 0.00051527 0.056441 109.54 'Bladder_wall (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 6.95e+04 1 0.446 0.0026707 0.061649 23.084 'Kidney_medulla (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Metatarsus_III_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.7e+04 1 0.232 0.00065488 0.032054 48.946 'Urethra (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_III_cortical_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Metatarsus_III_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.09e+04 1 0.265 0.0008046 0.036629 45.524 'Corpus_callosum (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_IV_cortical_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Metatarsus_V_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Thorax_cancellous (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_media_II_cancellous_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.38e+04 1 0.293 0.00091368 0.04054 44.37 'Spleen (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_T8 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Vertebra_cortical_C5 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_C1 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 4.96e+04 1 0.265 0.0019069 0.036629 19.209 'Nerve (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_IV_cortical_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_media_II_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_II_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Metatarsus_IV_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_proximalis_I_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 4.23e+04 1 0.276 0.0016265 0.038087 23.416 'Hippocampus (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 1.57e+04 1 0.145 0.00060205 0.020027 33.265 'Pancreas (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_L3 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_distalis_III_cortical_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_distalis_I_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_IV_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Vertebra_cancellous_L1 (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Metatarsus_IV_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_III_cortical_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Fibula_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 3.54e+04 1 0.232 0.0013602 0.032054 23.566 'Bronchus_wall (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Phalanx_distalis_III_cancellous_foot_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_V_cortical_foot_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_proximalis_V_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Humerus_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 1.25e+03 1 0.00247 4.8007e-05 0.00034154 7.1144 'Femur_yellow_marrow_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Femur_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Radius_cancellous_right (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 840 1 0.0035 3.228e-05 0.00048419 15 'Phalanx_media_II_cortical_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 3.2e+04 1 0.164 0.0012289 0.022598 18.388 'Large_intestine_wall (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.38e+03 1 0.0573 9.1463e-05 0.0079235 86.631 'SAT (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 7.41e+04 1 0.62 0.0028481 0.085672 30.081 'Eye_cornea (ellaM Static)' [INFO]: 2.99e+03 1 0.0821 0.00011488 0.011341 98.72 'Foot_cancellous_left (ellaM Static/Bones)' [INFO]: 3.4 1 0 1.3069e-07 0 0 'Protuberance (Pacemaker Unipolar/Slab)' [INFO]: 3.4 1 0 1.3069e-07 0 0 'Lead Body (Pacemaker Unipolar/Lead)' [INFO]: 3.4 1 0 1.3069e-07 0 0 'Header (Pacemaker Unipolar/Slab)' [INFO]: [INFO]: Dynamic range is 1.06007e+07 (lower limit solid Background (1) and upper limit solid Urine (ellaM Static) (1.06007e+07)). [WARNING]: The material parameters differ considerably, please consider to decrease the dynamic range of the material parameters or increase the solver's relative tolerance. [ERROR]: The solver's tolerance is most likely not small enough to accurately solve your material distribution! The solver still continues on your own risk. [INFO]: [INFO]: Boundary conditions: [INFO]: X-: dirichlet, (0,0) [INFO]: X+: dirichlet, (0,0) [INFO]: Y-: dirichlet, (0,0) [INFO]: Y+: dirichlet, (0,0) [INFO]: Z-: dirichlet, (0,0) [INFO]: Z+: dirichlet, (0,0) [INFO]: [INFO]: Set floating potential for Metal Parts (Pacemaker Unipolar/Slab) [INFO]: Set floating potential for SE Pad (Watch Electrodes) [INFO]: Set floating potential for SS Pad (Thumb) (Watch Electrodes) [INFO]: Set floating potential for CC Pad (Watch Electrodes) [INFO]: Set floating potential for Casing (Pacemaker Unipolar/Slab) [INFO]: Set floating potential for Anode (Pacemaker Unipolar/Lead) [INFO]: Set floating potential for NE Pad (Watch Electrodes) [INFO]: Set fixed potential for NW Pad (Watch Electrodes) with value (-0.25,-0) [INFO]: Set fixed potential for NN Pad (Index) (Watch Electrodes) with value (0.25,0) [INFO]: Solid Metal Parts (Pacemaker Unipolar/Slab): PEC (1225 edges) [INFO]: Solid SE Pad (Watch Electrodes): PEC (1897 edges) [INFO]: Solid SS Pad (Thumb) (Watch Electrodes): PEC (6374 edges) [INFO]: Solid CC Pad (Watch Electrodes): PEC (4155 edges) [INFO]: Solid Casing (Pacemaker Unipolar/Slab): PEC (25011 edges) [INFO]: Solid Anode (Pacemaker Unipolar/Lead): PEC (1295 edges) [INFO]: Solid NE Pad (Watch Electrodes): PEC (640 edges) [INFO]: Solid NW Pad (Watch Electrodes): PEC (2946 edges) [INFO]: Solid NN Pad (Index) (Watch Electrodes): PEC (4189 edges) [INFO]: Degree of freedoms: 48581532 total, 47699780 unknowns, 866437 Dirichlet points, 15315 collapsed points, 0 unused. [INFO]: Initialization of grid, dof-handler and boundary conditions.: Current and peak memory usage across all processes: 1.680 GB / 5.818 GB (current is 28.9 % of peak) [INFO]: Computing number of non-zeros [INFO]: Elapsed time for 'Computing number of non-zeros' was 00:00:01 wall clock time. [INFO]: Assembling matrix [INFO]: Elapsed time for 'Assembling matrix' was 00:00:33 wall clock time. [INFO]: [INFO]: Apply Dirichlet boundary condition [INFO]: Scaling of Dirichlet point trivial equation is 0.0405962 [INFO]: Elapsed time for 'Apply Dirichlet boundary condition' was 00:00:00 wall clock time. [INFO]: Prepared linear system: Current and peak memory usage across all processes: 9.369 GB / 16.89 GB (current is 55.5 % of peak) [INFO]: Solve linear system with 48581532 = 48.5815*10^6 dofs (degrees of freedom). [INFO]: Setting up preconditioner [INFO]: Elapsed time for 'Setting up preconditioner' was 00:00:01 wall clock time. [INFO]: Setup preconditioner and Krylov solver: Current and peak memory usage across all processes: 14.99 GB / 16.89 GB (current is 88.8 % of peak) [INFO]: Target relative preconditioned residual tolerance is 1e-07, max iterations 100000 [INFO]: Solving linear system [INFO]: Initial preconditioned residuum is 13.7333 (has to drop by a factor of 1e-07) [INFO]: Iteration 1 and residual drop factor 0.0611646 [INFO]: Iteration 2 and residual drop factor 0.0361412 [INFO]: Iteration 3 and residual drop factor 0.0213411 [INFO]: Iteration 4 and residual drop factor 0.0157024 ... [INFO]: Iteration 2864 and residual drop factor 7.53169e-06 [INFO]: Iteration 2865 and residual drop factor 7.55732e-06 [INFO]: Iteration 2866 and residual drop factor 7.55854e-06 [INFO]: Iteration 2867 and residual drop factor 7.7409e-06 ... [INFO]: Iteration 43760 and residual drop factor 2.91911e+48 [INFO]: Iteration 43761 and residual drop factor 4.09609e+48 [INFO]: Iteration 43762 and residual drop factor 4.08507e+48 [INFO]: Iteration 43763 and residual drop factor 3.24687e+48 [INFO]: Iteration 43764 and residual drop factor 4.93981e+48 [INFO]: Iteration 43765 and residual drop factor 7.8694e+48 [INFO]: Iteration 43766 and residual drop factor 1.3982e+50 [INFO]: Elapsed time for 'Solving linear system' was 10:15:10 wall clock time. [INFO]: Solved linear system: Current and peak memory usage across all processes: 15.72 GB / 16.89 GB (current is 93.1 % of peak) [INFO]: Solver returns: 'diverged (tolerance)'. [ERROR]: Linear system solver could not determine the solution. [INFO]: Solved potential simulation's linear system: Current and peak memory usage across all processes: 1.691 GB / 16.89 GB (current is 10.0 % of peak) [INFO]: EM-Low-Frequency simulation finished with errors. [INFO]: [ERROR]: Simulation 'Fats Unipolar WRIST @ 5.0 kHz' failed on 2022-Mar-15 23:29:26 [INFO]: [2022-Mar-15 23:29:26] Released license feature 'QS_SOLVER'. [INFO]: Peak memory usage across all processes: 16.89 GB (18134552576 Bytes) [INFO]: [ERROR]: [0] iSolve framework failed (see previous error messages). [ERROR]: [1] iSolve framework failed (see previous error messages). [ERROR]: [2] iSolve framework failed (see previous error messages). [ERROR]: [3] iSolve framework failed (see previous error messages). [ERROR]: [4] iSolve framework failed (see previous error messages). [ERROR]: [5] iSolve framework failed (see previous error messages). [ERROR]: [6] iSolve framework failed (see previous error messages). [ERROR]: [7] iSolve framework failed (see previous error messages).