import element inside a group using python
I am trying to have an automated import of files in python.
I need import an obj file directly inside a s4l group.
I am able to do the action of importing and creating the group, separately, however I cannot move the elemt I imported inside the created group with python.
Can you help me?Thank you
Can you please explain what happens when you try to "move the element you imported inside the created group"?
What error message do you get when you do something like:my_obj_list = s4l_v1.model.Import("my_file.sab") my_group = s4l_v1.model.CreateGroup() for my_obj in my_obj_list: my_group.Add(my_obj)
Thank you, Indeed using this lines it works, thank you!
Could I ask you, how can I save a matlab file with pyhon?
When I do this, I only add the exporter but I can't save the file in my folder, I have to refresh the exporter manuallyAdding a new MatlabExporter
inputs = [field_interpolation_filter.Outputs["EM E(x,y,z,f0)"]] matlab_exporter = analysis.exporters.MatlabExporter(inputs=inputs) matlab_exporter.UpdateAttributes() document.AllAlgorithms.Add(matlab_exporter)
Thank you for your help