How do I calculate the full width at half maximum (FWHM) volume data in acoustic ultrasound simulation?
The easiest way to do it (that I know of) is rather awkward. You export the whole field results to a vtk file and then use vtk to calculate the isosurface / isocontour of the Full Width at Half Maximum, then import it back into the modeling of Sim4Life and go to Tools ->Geometry to get the data you need (Surface Area, Volume, Bounding box size, etc). I'll attach a Python script below to: Export Field Data to a vtk file and use python vtk to extract the Full Width at Half Maximum, and to import it back into S4L. Then, in the modelling tab you can select the object and go to Tools->Geometry to get the data you want.
Make sure to update 'simulation_name' and that the correct field is selected ("Overall Field" and "p(x,y,z,f)" in this case)
Select appropriate temporary file name and path in "vtk_exporter.FileName"
Do appropriate postprocessing of data (in my case, pressure field is complex data, I took the absolute value of this data in this line:
pabs = np.abs(pdata_wrapper.PointData[0] + 1j * pdata_wrapper.PointData[1])Select appropriate threshold ... Keep this if you want FWHM
contour.SetValue(0, pabs_max / 2.0) # Half maxCareful that data when imported back into s4l is scaled correctly (conversion from meters to mm)
tr.Scale(1e3, 1e3, 1e3)import s4l_v1 as s4l import s4l_v1.document as document import s4l_v1.analysis as analysis import s4l_v1.model as model import s4l_v1.units as units import vtk from vtk.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa from vtk.numpy_interface import algorithms as algs import numpy as np simulation_name = "Ac" # Select Simulation simulation = document.AllSimulations[simulation_name] simulation_extractor = simulation.Results() acoustic_sensor_extractor = simulation_extractor["Overall Field"] # document.AllAlgorithms.Add(acoustic_sensor_extractor) inputs = [acoustic_sensor_extractor.Outputs["p(x,y,z,f)"]] vtk_exporter = analysis.exporters.VtkExporter(inputs=inputs) vtk_exporter.FileName = u"C:\\Users\\montanaro\\Desktop\\ExportedData1.vtk" vtk_exporter.Update() # Read in vtk file containing field reader = vtk.vtkDataSetReader() reader.SetFileName(vtk_exporter.FileName) # Convert cell centered data to node centered data # Needed for contour (isosurface) filter cell2point = vtk.vtkCellDataToPointData() cell2point.SetInputConnection(reader.GetOutputPort()) cell2point.Update() # Turn into numpy array pdata = cell2point.GetOutput() pdata_wrapper = dsa.WrapDataObject(pdata) # Get absolute value of real and imaginary pressure pabs = np.abs(pdata_wrapper.PointData[0] + 1j * pdata_wrapper.PointData[1]) # Create new field with this calculated data pdata_wrapper.PointData.append(pabs, 'pabs') pdata.GetPointData().SetScalars(pdata.GetPointData().GetArray('pabs')) # Create Contour Filter used to calculate isosurface contour = vtk.vtkContourFilter() contour.SetInputData(pdata) contour.SetValue(0, pabs_max / 2.0) # Half max # Make sure we use correct scale between export and import tr = vtk.vtkTransform() tr.Scale(1e3, 1e3, 1e3) transform = vtk.vtkTransformPolyDataFilter() transform.SetInputConnection(contour.GetOutputPort()) transform.SetTransform(tr) # Write vtk file containing contour filter as an stl file writer = vtk.vtkSTLWriter() writer.SetInputConnection(transform.GetOutputPort()) writer.SetFileName(vtk_exporter.FileName.replace(".vtk", ".stl")) writer.SetFileTypeToBinary() writer.Update() # Import back into S4L ents = model.Import(writer.GetFileName())
The easiest way to do it (that I know of) is rather awkward. You export the whole field results to a vtk file and then use vtk to calculate the isosurface / isocontour of the Full Width at Half Maximum, then import it back into the modeling of Sim4Life and go to Tools ->Geometry to get the data you need (Surface Area, Volume, Bounding box size, etc). I'll attach a Python script below to: Export Field Data to a vtk file and use python vtk to extract the Full Width at Half Maximum, and to import it back into S4L. Then, in the modelling tab you can select the object and go to Tools->Geometry to get the data you want.
Make sure to update 'simulation_name' and that the correct field is selected ("Overall Field" and "p(x,y,z,f)" in this case)
Select appropriate temporary file name and path in "vtk_exporter.FileName"
Do appropriate postprocessing of data (in my case, pressure field is complex data, I took the absolute value of this data in this line:
pabs = np.abs(pdata_wrapper.PointData[0] + 1j * pdata_wrapper.PointData[1])Select appropriate threshold ... Keep this if you want FWHM
contour.SetValue(0, pabs_max / 2.0) # Half maxCareful that data when imported back into s4l is scaled correctly (conversion from meters to mm)
tr.Scale(1e3, 1e3, 1e3)import s4l_v1 as s4l import s4l_v1.document as document import s4l_v1.analysis as analysis import s4l_v1.model as model import s4l_v1.units as units import vtk from vtk.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa from vtk.numpy_interface import algorithms as algs import numpy as np simulation_name = "Ac" # Select Simulation simulation = document.AllSimulations[simulation_name] simulation_extractor = simulation.Results() acoustic_sensor_extractor = simulation_extractor["Overall Field"] # document.AllAlgorithms.Add(acoustic_sensor_extractor) inputs = [acoustic_sensor_extractor.Outputs["p(x,y,z,f)"]] vtk_exporter = analysis.exporters.VtkExporter(inputs=inputs) vtk_exporter.FileName = u"C:\\Users\\montanaro\\Desktop\\ExportedData1.vtk" vtk_exporter.Update() # Read in vtk file containing field reader = vtk.vtkDataSetReader() reader.SetFileName(vtk_exporter.FileName) # Convert cell centered data to node centered data # Needed for contour (isosurface) filter cell2point = vtk.vtkCellDataToPointData() cell2point.SetInputConnection(reader.GetOutputPort()) cell2point.Update() # Turn into numpy array pdata = cell2point.GetOutput() pdata_wrapper = dsa.WrapDataObject(pdata) # Get absolute value of real and imaginary pressure pabs = np.abs(pdata_wrapper.PointData[0] + 1j * pdata_wrapper.PointData[1]) # Create new field with this calculated data pdata_wrapper.PointData.append(pabs, 'pabs') pdata.GetPointData().SetScalars(pdata.GetPointData().GetArray('pabs')) # Create Contour Filter used to calculate isosurface contour = vtk.vtkContourFilter() contour.SetInputData(pdata) contour.SetValue(0, pabs_max / 2.0) # Half max # Make sure we use correct scale between export and import tr = vtk.vtkTransform() tr.Scale(1e3, 1e3, 1e3) transform = vtk.vtkTransformPolyDataFilter() transform.SetInputConnection(contour.GetOutputPort()) transform.SetTransform(tr) # Write vtk file containing contour filter as an stl file writer = vtk.vtkSTLWriter() writer.SetInputConnection(transform.GetOutputPort()) writer.SetFileName(vtk_exporter.FileName.replace(".vtk", ".stl")) writer.SetFileTypeToBinary() writer.Update() # Import back into S4L ents = model.Import(writer.GetFileName())
Hi montanaro
Thanks for all your help.
I got your point in your above script and it works on python.