Interaction with Neuron results
Good morning,
I am using the T-Neuro (Sim4Life V6.2) to simulate magnetic stimulation of a peripheral nerve. For further analysis I would like to use Python to interact with the results (e.g. loop over parameters, do calculations with results, change parameters depending on the results of previous simulations).
The only way I could find so far was to save the NEURON results to a text file, then read data from the text file to do calculations and then change the settings for the next simulation (all automated in Python).Is there an easier way to access/interact with the NEURON results? (e.g. display them directly in the Console?)
Thank you very much for your help
Kind regards
Good morning,
I am using the T-Neuro (Sim4Life V6.2) to simulate magnetic stimulation of a peripheral nerve. For further analysis I would like to use Python to interact with the results (e.g. loop over parameters, do calculations with results, change parameters depending on the results of previous simulations).
The only way I could find so far was to save the NEURON results to a text file, then read data from the text file to do calculations and then change the settings for the next simulation (all automated in Python).Is there an easier way to access/interact with the NEURON results? (e.g. display them directly in the Console?)
Thank you very much for your help
Kind regards
@Hüfer yes, you can access all the simulation results as well as the parameters of you EM-neuronal simulations using the Python interface. For example, you can access titration data, or the transmembrane voltage profiles stored on a point or line sensor data, etc. or you can dynamically change the stimulation pulse shape parameters (phase duration, amplitude, etc.).
Sim4Life provides you already with some Python tutorials. There are at least 3 tutorials provided that show how to use Python to setup a T-Neuron simulation, how to run it and how to access the simulation results. Please have a look at these tutorials to learn Sim4Life programming (if you are a Python expert, learning will take you a day!).
To access these tutorials, open the 'Scripter' panel in Sim4Life, and load one of the scripts in the folder opened when selecting "Open Example Script" clicking on the open folder button.