Import modulation file
I want to upload pulse train file created in matlab to the acoustic result.
I was able to import source file to run the simulation, however the result were unreadable.
Now I tried to import source file to the simulation result from the modulation option, the file seems to uploaded however its not added to the modulation option to view nor to use in further simulation.
file extensions were .dat and .txt.Appreciate any input.
Please show me the first few lines of what your file looks like. Do you have time and pressure points as two separate columns?
Hello @montanaro,
The following are the first few lines of the file
8e-08,0.330448502171479The file is in .txt format.
I can look into it later, but have you tried placing a point sensor at the source and looking at the resulting waveform after running the simulation? Please check the final resulting time axis in the point sensor as well to make sure there's no problems with the interpolation from the input waveform to the resulting one (the FDTD simulation will use it's own time step dt, if I remember correctly, based on the simulation's frequency in the solver settings using the CFL criterion).
Though I can't test it now, maybe I'd change 0,0 to 0.0, 0.0 just to make sure there's no strange issue where it gets an int and expects a float (doubt that's the issue though).
Thank you for your reply.
I am trying different file arrangements.
While I try different simulation. Will the simulation follow the setup frequency and periods input, or the user the input in the sources? -
Setup frequency and period input (yes this is annoying and should be more clearly stated somewhere). User input gets interpolated into the FDTD timing scheme (dt and Tmax)
Thats why I recommend putting a time domain point sensor at any source location to see what it looks like.
Hello @montanaro,
I was able to run the simulation by changing the commas in the file to spaces.
Is there another recommended method that Sim4lite recommends besides matlab to generate input files?Tried to import the same file to the after simulation in the modulation option, however the file seems unrecognizable.
I am able to search and upload the file, after the uploading is complete, the file is not there.
Any recommendation?Thank you
Not sure what you mean ... You mean the input source file? Or the actual simulation input file? I'm not aware of matlab integration and I'm not sure what you mean with modulation option.
Note: I was a developer for the acoustic solver several years ago, and whenever I can I try to help people out in the forums, but I'm no longer working on Sim4Life so I'm not aware of some of the newer features.
Hello @montanaro
Yes the input file had comma to separate the two columns, changed the comma to space, worked the first time, not anymore.
After running the simulation, in the result section we can create modulation input from sim4lite but not from user. I am trying to input file which I dont see the option.I re-ran the simulation with the same file, however got the same unreadable results in sim4lite, but was readable in matlab. I added a point sensor as you suggested and there is a plot.
Does Sim4lite accepts pulsed signals to run acoustic simulation? -
Really sorry, I honestly don't understand - I don't know what you mean with modulation and I'm not sure what you mean with using matlab and what input file you are exactly referring to. Maybe some screenshots will help, otherwise maybe contact support