Obtain material properties from material database
When using the GUI, drag and dropping a ViP model to the material settings automatically creates the tissue properties and assigns entities of the ViP model to each tissue property.
I am trying to perform the same task through the python API.
Assuming that I obtained all ViP model entity names, how can we assign automatically the tissue property from the database ?thanks
redi -
Redi! Have you tried doing exactly that through the GUI and then right clicking the simulation and selecting 'To Python..' if I remember correctly that shows you how to assign materials to the database.
Just tried it and I get something like this:
import s4l_v1.materials.database as database # Adding a new MaterialSettings material_settings = acoustic.MaterialSettings() components = [entity__block1] mat = database["IT'IS 4.0"]["Brain (Grey Matter)"] if mat is not None: simulation.LinkMaterialWithDatabase(material_settings, mat) else: # Fallback if material is not found material_settings.Name = "Brain (Grey Matter)" material_settings.MassDensity = 1044.5, Unit("kg/m^3") material_settings.AttenuationCoefficient = 1.2, Unit("Np/m") simulation.Add(material_settings, components)
Never tried it with the ViP model but should work.