how to implement 'thicken-wire' in Modify menu of a spline?
Dear Sim4life Team,
I am writing a script to automatically generate implant wires, therefore I need to use the thicken-wire function for a spline, but I can not find the relevant description of this function in API, could you please help to check how to implement it in Python?Thank you
Aiping -
Hello Aiping,
Bellow is a small example which might help you.
import s4l_v1 as s4l import XCoreModeling import random radius = 0.1 points = list() for ii in range(20): points.append(s4l.Vec3(random.randrange(0,20), random.randrange(0,20), random.randrange(0,20))) spline = XCoreModeling.CreateSpline(points) wire = XCoreModeling.ThickenWire(spline, radius)