Using the Yoon-Sun ViP model in Sim4Life light
Sim4Life light has a license for Yoon-Sun enabled, but the model is not automatically installed with the software.
To get the model, you should go to the HELP menu and get ViP Download code. After that, go to the website of the IT'IS Foundation and request the download from there.
We noticed the download code menu item in the HELP menu is not available. We will update the Sim4Life light installer soon and update this thread. Until then, please send requests for the download link to
wrote on 9 Nov 2018, 12:52 last edited by
Dear All. I received via e-mail the link to download the Yoon-sun model (1,743 GB file size), but after several unsuccessful attempts I can not try another one because the access expired. The problem all the times in all the ways that I tried was that when reach 1,00 GB of download the process break downs requiring restart the entire process. How can I obtain, if possible by other way, the model? DO you have any suggestion to download the files?
dear @acristancho ,
i will send you an alternative download link in the next minutes (personally).
For the future: we have fixed the issue of the missing "Download Code" item in the HELP menu in the current Sim4Life Light installer. So, if you need to download Yoon-sun or any of the animal models, you can use this method to generate the code and paste it into the IT'IS web page.
wrote on 13 Nov 2018, 11:01 last edited by
Dear @bryn ,
earlier I was experiencing the same problem as acristancho when trying to download the Yoon-Sun model with Sim4Life light.
As you suggested, I reinstalled the program to gain access to the "generate code" option, which works fine.
However, when I use the generated code to download the Yoon-Sun cV3.1 (posable), which is about 800 MB in size, the download complete successfully but when I try to open it in Sim4Life, I am missing the required license. I'm guessing this is because Sim4Life light does not come with the posable version of the model.
When I repeat the process to download the Yoon-sun V3.1 model which is about 1.7 GB in size, the download does NOT complete successfully and the .zip file is corrupted and unusable.
This is the same error that I experiences before updating Sim4Life and seems to be related to the download size as acristancho mentioned before.
Any suggestions on how to solve this issue as it seems to appear with multiple users?On a side note, I have installed sim4life on Windows 7 instead of Windows 10. Could this cause any of the aforementioned license issues?
dear @lglan
I became aware of this problem yesterday. It seems to be a bug in the download tool on the website, which occurs for files larger than 1GB. Later today we will move all files larger than 1GB and later all other files to a new download tool/service, which can handle such large files.
About the license: Yes, you are right. Sim4Life light only comes with a static (non-posable) license.
What might be unknown to some, or unclear from the release notes. Sim4Life light includes the license for all IT'IS animal models.
wrote on 13 Nov 2018, 11:42 last edited by
Dear @bryn ,
thanks for the quick reply! In that case, I'll check the download again tomorrow.
After successfully downloading the model, is it also possible the extract the surface of the Yoon-Sun model as .STL (or something similar) to use for reference calculations with a different solver program outside of Sim4Life or is this only possible with the shell models (i.e. Duke)? Note, this is specifically about the shell mesh, not the entire model.