Pose User-Defined Surfaces/Entities
Hi, I am using version
The solver will treat the bone as muscle tissue,ie the properties matter. There will be no bone muscle interface.
@bryn I have a follow up question to this. If I draw a cylinder over the bone and provide it properties of muscle, do I need to subtract the bone from the cylinder?
For example: When I observe the voxels in the ViP model for muscle only (without the presence of bone or anything), there is a hole where the bone is suppoed to be (which makes sense) (Figure attached).
Do I need to do the same with a custom cylinder i.e subtract the bone from the cylinder? The voxels with the cylinder with bone shows the presence of the bone (Figure attached) but not for all cases.
Thank you. What happens when all elements are given the same priority and you do not subtract the bone from the muscle? What would a voxel at the location of the bone present?
@ofli : Thank you. Installing the new version removed the error.
Thank you. What happens when all elements are given the same priority and you do not subtract the bone from the muscle? What would a voxel at the location of the bone present?
@ofli : Thank you. Installing the new version removed the error.
@VigneshYork it will seem like a random ordering. If I remember correctly, the ordering will depend on the unique identifier of the entities (entity.Id). If you need to ensure a specific ordering you have to use the priorities (OR do the boolean subtraction). The priority approach is very robust though.
Thank you
@ofli : sorry but the error happened again with sim4life 7.2. Once I moved the model and tried to pose it, the bones and rest of the model separated
Hi Bryn,
I would like to ask a question regarding posing. My aim is to detect the variation in bone position from the skin in different poses (hypothesis being: as the soft tissues deform, the bone wont always be at the same position wrt the skin). I currently have 8 antennas placed around the skin which are supposed to mimic wearable antennas and I would like to move these antennas along with the pose.
But if I link these antennas to the bone using "link-parent tool", the bone is always at the same location wrt to the bone irrespective of the pose. But I cannot link the antennas wrt to the skin as the antennas dont move with the pose.
- How can I do this? I would like the antennas which are placed around the skin to similar to the skin rather than the bone?
- Based on the first video in this chain, triangular meshes can be posed similar to the body. If I convert the antennas to meshes and then pose it, will I be getting the same issue i.e the bone is always at the same location wrt to the antennas?