You can open a smash file using
import s4l_v1 as s4l
You can save it using
You can find a simulation using (assuming you have unique simulation names
sim = [sim for sim in s4l.document.AllSimulations if sim.Name == "the name of your simulation"][0]
If you want to load different models (from .sab file or .smash), but don't need to load e.g. simulations (in .smash file), you can import the file
entities = s4l.model.Import(file_path)
if you need to reset the document or model because you are accumulating too many entities and memory use is getting too high, you can use e.g.
# reset the model
# or keep entities, but discard model history
import XCoreModeling as xcm
# or reset entire document (reset model, simulations, analysis)